Reasons why Monday sucks
1) I just picked up a new pair of pants last week from Express after having them altered. I was SO excited to wear them today because they're a good length and they fit me really nicely. Well, I've been walking around strutting my stuff all morning here at work. I just got back from the bathroom only to discover in the mirror that they are SPLIT up the back the entire way. Embarrassing enough already, throw in the thong factor and that ups it by 10.
2) Have you seen those commericals for the computer notebooks that can fall on the ground and have coffee spilled on them and they're fine? Well they need to make cell phones like that, because I dropped mine in a cup of tea last night and now it doesn't work. This makes the SECOND time I've dropped my cell phone into liquid (the first being a dorm toilet).
3) I'm super sick and just made an appointment with a new doctor. Well apparently because I'm a new patient, they can't see me the same day I make an appointment? Where does that logic come from? Why would they need to wait a day before they treat me? So I'm even sicker and have to pay more for a prescription? Whatever, it's probably for the best anyway considering I'm now half naked.
4) The immigration rally is today. Now, I have no problem with this except for the fact that it's being held a block from my office building. And it's ending around 5pm. And my neighborhood is 60% Mexican. Do the math. I leave my building to go home with a GIANT RIP UP MY ASS with half of Mexico on the train with me. I think I need something to drink. Now.